Indonesia Company Set Up (PT)


  • USD: $ 293.26

Indonesian private limited company is the most common type of business entity used by both locals and foreigners to do business in the country. It is a standalone legal entity that is separate from their directors and shareholders and ensures their personal assets are protected.

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Setting up a company in Indonesia typically involves establishing a Perseroan Terbatas (PT), which is similar to a limited liability company in other jurisdictions. Here’s a brief overview of the legality and requirements for setting up a PT in Indonesia:

Company Name: The first step is to choose a unique name for your company. The name must not be already in use by another entity and must comply with Indonesia’s regulations regarding company names.
Shareholders: A PT must have at least two shareholders. They can be individuals or corporate entities, and they can be Indonesian nationals or foreigners.
Directors and Commissioners: A PT must have at least one director (Direktur) and one commissioner (Komisaris). The director is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, while the commissioner oversees the director’s actions and ensures compliance.
Paid-up Capital: There is no minimum requirement for paid-up capital to establish a PT, although it must be adequate for the intended business activities.
Articles of Association (AoA): The AoA outlines the company’s internal rules, including its objectives, organizational structure, shareholder rights, and procedures for decision-making.

What you get :
1. Deed of Establishment (Akta Notaris)
2. Tax Registration (NPWP)
3. Decree of The Ministry of Justice and Human Right (SK Menkumham)
4. Business Identification Number (NIB)
5. OSS Account
6. Virtual Office 1 Year


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